Providing Compassionate Care at home, wherever that may be.
Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Lake Superior Life Care & Hospice creates a personal and specialized care plan to ensure patients and their families are getting the care they deserve.
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The quality of patient care that hospices provide to patients and families can vary. Hospice Compare reports information on hospices across the nation and allows patients, family members, and health care providers to get a snapshot of the quality of care each hospice provides.
Lake Superior Life Care & Hospice's scores are listed below:**
In addition to reviewing the information on Hospice Compare, you should talk to your doctor, social worker, or other health care providers when choosing a hospice. You have a choice in which hospice you and your family would like to work with. Please feel free to call our office if you have specific questions: 906-225-7760
** The LSLC&H Hospice Care Index Score is a 9 out of 10 due to the fact that we did not have any patients who required Continuous Care or General Inpatient levels of care. We received the highest scores on all other measures.
We offer personal and professional care to every patient and their families with a team of physicians, nurses, social workers, spiritual counselors, home health aides, grief and bereavement counselors and volunteers.
Our promise is to provide the highest level of compassionate care so families can focus on the time they have together.
Our team creates a personal and specialized care plan to ensure each patient and their families are getting the care they need and deserve.
We work closely with our core hospice team, healthcare providers, facilities, physicians and the community to assist patients and their families to ensure they are receiving the best care possible.