Frequently Asked Questions

Lake Superior Hospice, Chartered in 1979, is the oldest existing hospice in the state of Michigan. It offers palliative care to all terminally ill people and their families, regardless of circumstance. The care is focused on keeping the patient comfortable in their own home where ever home is to them. Care is provided through a highly qualified team of health care professionals and volunteers. All medicine and supplies relating to the terminal illness are supplied by Lake Superior Hospice.

Lake Superior Hospice is dedicated to the care and comfort of the patient. It will do nothing to either hasten or postpone death. Rather, it will use all means available to keep the patient comfortable, functional and free of pain.

The decision to enter Hospice is best made by the patient and family in consultation with their doctor. Hospice patients must have an illness or condition that would indicate a life expectancy of six months or less and they may remain hospice patients as long as this is so. It is possible to discontinue Hospice services at any time, should the patient’s condition improve or their goals change.

The patient’s relationship with their personal physician will continue. In addition, Lake Superior Hospice will provide a team of health care professionals, under the direction of a Hospice physician, who will coordinate Hospice care, to provide maximum physical, emotional and spiritual comfort. All patients, with or without insurance, will be accepted into Lake Superior Hospice. No Lake Superior Hospice patient will ever receive a bill from us for our services.

We realize that at the very end of life, no one is completely able to care for themselves. If there is not a friend or family member living with the patient, our team will assist the patient to make a plan that can include either family or paid caregivers coming to the patient’s home to give care, or moving the patient to an environment where 24 hour care is provided. Everyone’s situation is different.

A Lake Superior Hospice nurse is available on call 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This should be the person to whom you direct all your question’s or calls for emergency assistance.

Lake Superior Hospice Volunteers are available to all LSH patients. These specially trained people are from all age groups and from all walks of life. Their principal purpose is to provide relief to caregivers and friendship to patients. In addition to home visits, the volunteers may assist with meal preparation, transportation, and recreation.


Myths vs. Facts about Hospice Care

Fact: Hospice is for patients of any age with a prognosis of six months to live or less. Diagnosis for hospice admission may include cancer, advanced dementia, heart disease, lung disease, stroke or coma.

Fact: It is important for patients and families to know that anyone can make a referral to hospice. Family, clergy, and others can refer a patient, then request a doctor’s order.

Fact: While hospice certainly helps patients and families during a medical crisis, the fullest benefit occurs when pain and symptoms are managed and patients have time to make personal and spiritual connections.

Fact: Patients can revoke hospice participation at any time. Their medical condition may improve or a patient may decide to pursue curative treatment again. Patients can reapply for hospice benefits at a later time, if necessary.

Fact: Hospice is provided anywhere a patient calls home. Often that is in the patient’s home or the home of a family member, but it could also be a nursing home, hospice house, assisted living facility, or hospital.

Fact: Hospice is a funded Medicare/Medicaid benefit and is covered by many private insurance companies. Most plans cover hospice care, medications, supplies and equipment related to the hospice diagnosis with no out-of-pocket expenses to the patient.

Fact: Hospice is not about dying. It is about helping patients live life to the fullest, with the time they have left. Multiple research studies show those with a terminal illness who choose hospice often live longer and have a better quality of life than those who choose aggressive end-of-life medical care

Lake Superior Life Care & Hospice